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Accepted Leader application of an organisation | FIB

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Jun Davis

Nov 25, 2024
1. Personal Information
In-Game Name:
Jun Davis
Discord Username:
Time Zone:
Daily playtime:
4 weekdays or 8 on weekdays

2. General Information
  • Why do you want to be a leader of specific organization?
  • I would like to be the director federal information bureau because I have good amount experience in the fib department and I always fell at home when I’m working there and I experienced all the departments and how to improve them in my term, I like working in fib but there must be fun not only work so I’m gonna find a way that we can fun as well like for example off-road patrols, drug patrols (find potential drug dealers), highway patrol ( we will have a stop bay where you can check their info and check on our tablet). As a leader I want too have a good friendship with a agent as I don’t want any conflicts and I will treat my agents equally to avoid favouritism but I also would like have a good friendship’s with other state orgs and try to be understanding to other orgs with their problems and so we can help each other in like the government is lacking people to guard the gates or when there is a meeting in the capital I will have 5 units on the roofs with snipers to have no terroirs attacks.

3. Leadership & Roleplay
  • Previous leadership experience:
  • 5 times state orgs ( Grand RP)
  • 3 times crime orgs ( Grand RP )
  • Your leadership style: my leadership style is defensive and patient in hostage situations I must listen to the negotiations and the demands so my agents don’t get injured and most important the citizens and then we’ll attack when the hostage is safe ( we will prob have a department that will take them to a personal hospital and have a agent to make them answer some questions what happens), my leadership style as within my org will be kind, understanding and respectful and very strict when needed.
  • Your roleplay style: my roleplay style is think like I’m in real like or like a vr game I will have a few rp commands in some situations like maybe I’ve been taken hostage and I ask the bandits to poke some holes so I can breathe but I always like to be realistic and try not too mix too show a good example too my agents but I would like to say I will roleplay like I’m in my life in the game.

4. Vision for the Server
  • How will you engage the community? I will try to engage the community what we do in a daily routine show a tour of the fib headquarters to show the players what’s is like to be a agent and we’ll show them some trainings maybe avoiding obstacles or arresting procedure and we will do shows and events.
  • Ideas for new activities within the organization: like I said before hand we will do drug patrols, water patrols, air patrols, highway patrol we will have traffic stops and check their info and car and we will do training every week too improve what’s our weaknesses and what we missing when we are in events.

5. Additional Information
  • Why should we choose you and not others?
  • You should choose me because I’m very understanding and fast learner and I will always try to improve my term and get suggestions from my agents what I’m doing wrong or I need approach a different way the term and I will ask my curator what I’m doing wrong.
  • Additional comments:
  • I will have many departments to ensure the citizens safety and health and many more so my agents have fun.
Hello Jun Davis,
Thank you for your application and the interest in our team that comes with it.

After careful consideration I am delighted to announce that I have decided to Accept your application, What follows next is a formal Interview

We wish you the best of luck for your interview, Please make sure you're prepared

Please contact me, liam (somnyama) to arrange your interview date, And have a great day

Have a great day,
Cloud Roleplay Team

You have been Selected as FIB Director

You will receive information in DMs before the launch of the server to ensure everything is set. Good Luck​
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