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Rejected Leader application of Weazel-News | StarkPluxury

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Stark Pluxury

Dec 1, 2024
1. Personal Information
In-Game Name:StarkPluxury
Discord Username:ig_harsha
Time Zone:Gmt +5:30
Daily playtime:7to8hours
UUID (#permid)124

2. General Information
  • Why do you want to be a leader of specific organization?
  • Passion for the Organization's Vision:
    🎙️ WeazelNews is more than just an advertisement company it's a creative and enjoyable workplace where people find fulfillment. A media organization must plan events, create posters, and report on city-wide activities. My aim is to uphold these standards while addressing existing challenges, such as inconsistent marketing and lack of adherence to company policies. My objectives would be to train new members joining the ad team very well so that they are well-versed with technical editing and guidelines. I will also develop the journalism and creativity team by maintaining consistent reporting of city incidents, interviews, and broadcasting high-profile stories. WeazelNews is my home, and I would want it to be a happy, positive, supportive environment in which employees go out each day with a sense of accomplishment.

3. Leadership & Roleplay
  • Previous leadership experience: yes i have exprince in other city {Grand Rp} Vagos Leader
  • Your leadership style:I am a patient individual who believes in teamwork and composure, qualities that are absolutely necessary for a good leader. My vision is to take WeazelNews to the top of the media landscape in the city through diligent efforts and fostering public relations with other organizations. I will work towards preventing internal or external conflicts from affecting the organization. By appointing the right people as deputies and other senior management, I can ensure a place of work which is free and fair with employees valued and appreciated.
  • Your roleplay style: i like to be a Criminal but as for now i want go with WeazelNews Leader

4. Vision for the Server
  • How will you engage the community?
    Intracing with citizen and State ORGs And gangs
  • Ideas for new activities within the organization:
    Recruit members regularly, keep the numbers always high so that we can minimize the ADs price for the citizens back to 3k - 3.5k
    B) Produce more dynamic and actual news.
    C) Host regular and fun events for the citizens.
    D) Manage the departments in a way that the org never suffers any problems.
    E) Use our experience to guide LI back to top.

5. Additional Information
  • Why should we choose you and not others? : I have exprince as leader and admin In other City, iam capable to run WeazelNews Best org in city
  • Additional comments: no

    My goals as leader of WeazelNews:
    Recruit members regularly, keep the numbers always high so that we can minimize the ADs price for the citizens back to 3k - 3.5k
    B) Produce more dynamic and actual news.
    C) Host regular and fun events for the citizens.
    D) Manage the departments in a way that the org never suffers any problems.
    E) Use our experience to guide LI back to top.
Leader Blacklisted.
(Attempt to nuke organization Discord)
For further concerns contact me on Discord.
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