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Rejected Leader Of Lspd | rudhaansaini

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Jan 29, 2025
1. Personal Information
Real Name:rudhaan
Time Zone:ist
Languages you speak:English, Hindi, etc
UUID (#permid)5
Discord Username:rudhaandark

2. General Information
  • Why do you want to be a leader of specific organization?
  • If ill talk about why only leader of lspd , when other departments are also available even i have experience in them . Then the only reason that ill give is that i have been in lspd since my my early rp days from grand rp to other rp projects i have been in all . and more ever i have started from the ground level so i know how is everything managed here .
3. Leadership & Roleplay
  • Previous leadership experience :
  • = I have been leader of lspd in many servers and have also been the deputy several times . recently also i was the HOD in lspd in grand rp .
  • Your leadership style:
  • = I have a very simple style of leadership in which from the officer of the least rank is as important as the officer of rank higher than him . But that doesnt mean i am not strict and will let rule break happen after all the high ranking officers are there for that to teach them about lspd . Rest i have same relationship with all my officers no favouratism is shown by me.
  • Your roleplay style:
  • = I am doing rp for almost 3 years now so i am face to face with almost every rule from gang to state rules . Morever when i have been in Lspd i have gone for HR dept so that i can teach new officers RP and how to maintain its dignity . because i have seen many new comers doing rule break in the city . And i hate that.
4. Vision for the Server
  • How will you engage the community?
  • = Its always a challenge that how will you engage the community . But as a leader one should be clear about it like having a good hr team will help you hire good and well trained people , having good swat team will help you in tense situations in the city so all like that and if you want this a leader should be doing best from its own side like giving proper bonuses , listening to low ranked officers along with high ranked officers and all .
  • Ideas for new activities within the organization:
  • = Activites within the organistaion is very important as it keeps away the boredom and mental stress of officer . Events like carshow off , bike races , dance competition , physical activities like race , push up competition etc.
5. Additional Information
  • Why should we choose you and not others?
  • = There is always someone better than you , its a well known phrase but here i think i can outsmart every other participant with my skills , experience and knowledge, morever i have given my entire rp life to this department so basically i think i can handle this post better than everyone.
  • Additional comments:
  • = The only problem that i can have is some lack of patience and can get nervous as i am returning to rp life after 2 to 3 months but trust
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