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Curator of the project
Curator of the project
Dec 19, 2023

General Rules
In every existing set of rules on Cloud Roleplay , it is Stated what punishment/sanction will be imposed for breaking the rules - however, it is assumed that this is a one-time offense, an offense without any harshness, and also an offense without any intent.
Should the administration believe that a player deliberately wishes to disregard certain rules, the punishments/sanctions will be much harsher and repeated negative behavior will result in a permanent ban from this project.
Rules for Accounts:
1.1 The created account belongs solely to the creator - the account may not be shared or sold. | Permanent Ban
1.2 The owner is responsible for their own account; the administration have no responsibility for the account.
Note: If access to the account is lost or, for example, controlled by someone else through "hacking," your account will still be subject to the same penalties.
1.3 Any fraud against other players is prohibited. | Permanent Ban
Money or items will not be replaced.
1.4 It is prohibited to have more than one account (each account allows up to 3 character slots) | 60-day ban for the main account & Permanent ban for all additional accounts
1.5 It is prohibited to own more than 1 company. 1 account = 1 company. | 30-day ban
1.6 Selling/buying game property for real money is prohibited; even attempts will be punished. | Permanent Ban
1.7 It is prohibited to transfer money as a gift if the total amount exceeds $5,000,000. On a server day, $5,000,000 may be gifted and $5,000,000 may be received as a gift. | 60-day ban
This includes direct handing over to another person, bank transfers, and transactions through the family account.
1.7.1 If someone lends money to another person, there is no maximum amount set - it must be clear that this money will be repaid gradually.
Note: The administration may ask you at any time to explain these transactions, and if no reasonable explanation is provided, sanctions will be imposed according to General Rule 1.7.
1.8 Interaction between the characters of one account is prohibited, which includes any exchange of property or money. | 3-day ban & seizure of transferred property or given money.
1.9 It is prohibited to intentionally delete your own character to evade penalties. | 60-day ban - Permanent Ban
1.10 No item may be taken from another person's trunk without permission. | Permanent Ban
Regulations for Character Names:
2.1 Character names must be realistic names. The name must relate to the real world and must not include names of famous people, insults, or allusions. | Jail until the name is changed

2.1.1 Additionally, the following criteria and regulations for character names are already listed in the character creation menu.
Note: These criteria and regulations must be followed; otherwise, an administrative name change will occur (see 2.1).
  • Must match the character's gender
  • Must not match an existing character name of the administration​
  • No meaningless stringing of words: e.g., a coherent sentence made up of several words​
  • Must not contain more than two consecutive repeated characters or letters
  • No more than two uppercase letters are allowed in the name (exceptions: e.g., De, Mc, or double surnames)​
Communication Rules:
3.1 OOC insults are prohibited. | 1-7 day ban
3.2 Players must be able to communicate in English on the server. No voice or chat may be conducted in other languages. | 120 minutes mute
3.3 Racist statements or discrimination based on origin are prohibited. | 3-14 day ban

Cheating and Use of External Software:
4.1 All players may not use external software that gives them an advantage over other players. | Permanent ban
If a cheater is knowingly covered by another player or even helped, that player will be punished as an accomplice. | 60-day ban
4.1.1 If there is a modification of the game files, it must comply with our current regulations, which can be permanently updated and adjusted. | 30-day ban
These applicable regulations are communicated via the following website: Allowed and Prohibited Modifications
Addition: So-called "macros" also fall under this regulation and will be punished accordingly.
4.2 The administration has the right to conduct a check of your device to inspect it for external software. It is up to the player whether they undergo this check.
Note: If this is refused, a penalty will be imposed according to General Rule 4.1.
4.3 A goodwill application can be submitted in the forum, which may only be processed by the Curator of the project, Chief Administrator, or Deputy Chief Administrator.
Note: Cases will be treated individually; there will be no official list of cases where a goodwill application is approved.

Dealing with the Administration:
5.1 The ticket system or in-game report is only to be used for questions, problems, or reporting rule violations—it must relate to the game. | 10-120 minutes mute from the ticket system
5.2 Disrespectful behavior or insults towards the administration are to be avoided. | 1-14 day ban
If an administrator behaves inappropriately towards a player, this can be reported in the forum. The same applies to incorrect sanctions or decisions made by an administrator.
5.3 Destructive or prohibited actions regarding the project will be punished. | 7 day ban - Permanent ban
Unconstructive criticism, calls to leave the project, attempts to disrupt the development of the project, or actions that lead to obstacles in the gameplay.

Game Rules:
6.1 Using an animation during a fight is prohibited (excluding ALT+Q). | 120 minutes jail
6.2 A RP situation must not be abandoned by refusing to continue it. | Warning
Leaving the game, going AFK, entering an inaccessible indoor space, etc.
6.3 The storage of families or organizations must not be emptied for personal purposes. | Permanent ban
Personal purposes refer to storing in personal vehicles, family vehicles, house storage, or family storage.
Note: Items may also be kept in the inventory if they will later be used again for the organization.
6.4 A "bad" employee of an organization may only be played out if there is an approved RP biography. | Warning
6.5 Any criminal acts (killing, robbing, or kidnapping) are prohibited for EMS staff. | Warning or 1-7 day ban
Exception: If an EMS staff member enters an already active situation (e.g., a shooting) between two or more parties, it is allowed for other persons to request that this person not revive specific individuals.
6.6 No one may heal, revive, or loot during a shooting. | 60 minutes jail
6.7 If you are killed and spawn in the hospital, you may not return to the same location for 15 minutes. You also may not participate in the same RP situation anymore. | Warning
6.8 No immoral actions may be performed on unconscious individuals. | 3-7 day ban
Sexual animations or spitting on the corpse.
Note: If emotes are performed before or over a corpse, this will be sanctioned as baiting/provocation.
6.9 If a sexual act is performed on a person, it is prohibited. The victim may remove themselves from the situation and flee. | 3-7 day ban
6.10 It is prohibited to shift a situation in the game to the OOC area. | 1-7 day ban
Addressing or messaging someone about a situation in the game in a Discord chat or in the forum.
6.11 A player must choose a side they wish to play. It is not allowed for a character to be in a gang or mafia while another character belongs to a state organization. | Warning for all affected characters
6.12 You must make a demand outside of the ghetto if you wish to shoot someone. If the person does not comply with your demands within 5 seconds, you are allowed to shoot them. | Warning
6.13 No helicopters may be used to access rooftops that cannot otherwise be reached by a ladder or other means. | 120 minutes jail
6.14 The use of H-words or N-words is prohibited. | 1-3 days ban
"H-words" include any terms equivalent to "son of a whore."
6.15 Armored vehicles may not be exploited or abused to protect oneself from gunfire. | Warn
6.16 Exploiting bugs or even attempting to do so is strictly prohibited and will be punished. | Warn - Permanent ban
6.17 Killing players who are performing starter jobs is prohibited. | Warn
Starter jobs include: taxi driver, construction worker, garbage collector, waste disposal, diver, hunter, mechanic, lumberjack, electrician, bus driver, trucker, fisherman, farmer, miner, and mobile vendor.
Exception: Starter jobs are not protected from police action.
6.18 Players may not be robbed or kidnapped at Fort Zancudo. | Warn
6.19 Clothing may not be used to impersonate EMS personnel. | 1-7 days ban
6.20 It is prohibited to create a character of the opposite gender (compared to the player's). | 120 minutes jail & gender change
There is a valid reason communicated to the administration beforehand, or an approved transgender application is in place.
6.21 No members of a gang or mafia may be killed in their HQ unless a valid regulation overrides this. | Warn
If an RP background exists, members may also kill each other.
6.22 In the ghetto ("Red-Zone"), any player may be shot or killed without a demand. Additionally, robbery or kidnapping may take place in the ghetto as long as the applicable regulations are followed.
Note: There is always a route or path that leads around this ghetto, and therefore no player is forced to enter this area.
Explanation: The ghetto is a selected and designated zone where the highest crime rates between gangs, mafias, and civilians prevail.

6.23 Shooting from a vehicle (drive-by) is only allowed for members of criminal and state organizations. | Warn
6.23.1 Members of state and criminal organizations must first request the driver to stop during a chase and then attempt to bring them to a halt (e.g., by ramming or colliding). If the driver does not stop afterwards, they must be given one last warning before shooting at the vehicle's tires is permitted. | 120 minutes jail - Warn
The applicable server rules must still be followed, including regulations for state organizations and rules for robberies to be allowed to rob or kill someone.
6.24 During a drive-by, shooting at individuals not in a vehicle is never allowed. | 120 minutes jail - Warn
6.25 The HQ of a gang is in RP a location where the highest crime in the state occurs. | Warn
For this reason, civilians, other (non-allied) gangs, or mafias are not allowed to enter this place.
6.26 If evidence, counter-evidence, or requested POVs are not available for inspection within 48 hours for a forum complaint, the affected person will be punished. | Warn - 3 days ban
6.27 Areas blocked by the administration (e.g., bollards or fences) may not be crossed by vehicles. | 120 minutes jail

General Roleplay Terms and Rules:
Roleplay - The appearance or performance of a normal person in the game (e.g., a regular civilian, a gangster, or a medic)
In Character (IC) - The roleplay of the character is played out; actions and words should correspond to your character.
Out of Character (OOC) - When you step out of your role as the actual character and make statements unrelated to your roleplay. | 60-180 minutes mute
A conversation about a situation that occurred in real life and relates to your real person.
Metagaming - Using information that you did not obtain as an (IC) character but rather through messages, conversations, or similar interactions that occurred in the OOC area. | 120 minutes mute - 180 minutes jail
This includes communicating via programs like Discord or using information transmitted through a private chat. No information may be used that you have not received as your character.
Powergaming - This occurs when someone forces their roleplay on another without giving them a fair chance. No situations may be invented, unrealistic things invoked, or actions that are not script-possible used. | 120 minutes jail - Warn
Deathmatch - No player may be killed without sufficient RP background. You need either a stated demand that complies with server rules or a self-defense measure to be allowed to kill someone. | 120 minutes jail - Warn
UN-RP - The character must always behave appropriately and may not act inappropriately in situations. | 120-180 minutes jail
Annoying the police at a crime scene without reason, dancing or shouting in serious situations, or not portraying your fear properly.
Revenge Killing - If someone has killed your character, you may not remember this "murder." If the person wakes up in the hospital, they will not remember the event, and the murderer will not be pursued for revenge. | Warn
Car-Ramming - No vehicles may be used to intentionally ram other persons or vehicles without cause. | 120 minutes jail - Warn
Baiting - Other players may not be intentionally annoyed or irritated to force or lead them to react. | 120 minutes jail - Warn
FailRP - Behavior that violates the fundamental principles of roleplay. This includes actions or decisions of a player that do not align with their character or the situation they are in, thus disturbing the gaming experience of other players. | 120 minutes jail - Warn
Fear-RP - Every player must portray fear for their own life when the situation requires it. The character does not die completely, but fear must exist that their life could end. All actions must be considered when one's life is at stake. | 180 minutes jail - Warn
Example: You are robbed by 4 criminal gang members, and weapons are held to your head or aimed at you - you must cooperate and comply with any demands made of you.
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