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INFORMATION Diplomacy between organizations

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Curator of the project
Curator of the project
Dec 19, 2023

Diplomacy between organizations
Criminal organizations are widespread in both the ghetto and the city - some organizations are more talked about in the state than others. However, the organizations know each other too well and are aware of who stands by them and who does not. Alliances are formed, wars are fought, or neutrality is maintained among them.

General Rules:
1.1 All diplomatic decisions must be posted within one hour in the corresponding Discord channel ("diplomacy"). | Warning for the Leader
1.2 Each criminal organization may only enter into one alliance at a time.
Note: A mafia can have an alliance with a gang or another mafia.
Note: A gang can have an alliance with a mafia or another gang.
1.3 If an alliance between organizations is broken, they may re-establish a trading relationship with the same organization no sooner than 72 hours later.
1.4 When a trading relationship is initiated or an alliance is formed, there must be a video recording of it. | Oral warning for the Leader
1.4.1 An organization can only enter into an alliance with the opposing party 24 hours after the start of the trading relationship.
1.5 The declaration of war between organizations follows the regulations in the section "Declaration of War" and "War Contract".
1.5.1 A declaration of war may only be made once every two weeks.
1.6 In an alliance with an organization, the ally automatically assumes the state of war of the other organization.

Diplomatic Relations:
Diplomatic relations can only occur if the thread is closely monitored - this must always be adhered to and documented.
  • Neutrality – Trading Relationships – Alliance
Explanation: You have been in a neutral relationship with an organization so far, but you wish to expand this state. To do this, you can establish a trading relationship with them, where the amount is not predetermined and can be decided by you. If this trading relationship lasts for over 24 hours, an agreement can be reached that an alliance is formed between the organizations. At that point, these organizations would be allied and could act together.
Note: All steps must be documented for the advisors; otherwise, they are invalid.
  • Neutrality – War
Explanation: You have been in a neutral relationship with an organization so far, but you can no longer maintain this state. The other organization has behaved incorrectly towards you (Examples: Repeatedly robbing your members, disrespectful behavior towards the organization), and you want to instigate a conflict. You must present sufficient evidence to reach this conclusion - the other organization must be informed of this so that the war can begin.
Note: All steps must be documented for the advisors; otherwise, they are invalid.
  • Trading Relationships - War
Explanation: You have entered into a trading relationship with one or more organizations (Example: You agree on a uniform price for the sale of drugs) and then notice that a single organization is no longer adhering to it. You do not want to let this incident stand and wish to declare war on this organization. You must present sufficient evidence to reach this conclusion - the other organization must be informed of this so that the war can begin.
Note: All steps must be documented for the advisors; otherwise, they are invalid.
  • Alliance - War
Explanation: You are already in an alliance with an organization, but you realize that they have betrayed you - ending the alliance is not an option for you. The other organization must pay for this, and you want to take revenge. You must present sufficient evidence to reach this conclusion - the other organization must be informed of this so that the war can begin.
Note: All steps must be documented for the advisors; otherwise, they are invalid.

Declaration of War:
2.1 Only the leader or their representatives have the right to declare war. | Warning for the Leader
Before a declaration of war can be made, it must be approved by the Senior Curator Crime.
2.2 A declaration of war may not be made arbitrarily and must result from realistic incidents within the roleplay.
Note: The evidence must not be older than 5 days and must be approved by the Senior Curator Crime.
2.3 A video recording of the declaration of war must exist and must be presented to the administration if necessary. | Warning for the Leader
2.4 When declaring war, a war contract, including demands, must be established.
2.5 Until the start of the war, the parties involved must not act aggressively towards each other.
2.6 The war must begin with a first battle. This must be defined during the declaration of war.
Note: The battle must be documented according to the template in the Discord channel ("war-logs").
2.7 A maximum of 15 people from your organization may participate in the first battle. | Warning for the Leader

War Contract:
3.1 A state of war must last at least 7 days and no more than 14 days.
Note: The duration of the war must be accepted by both parties.
3.2 The war contract may specify war times.
Note: If the time 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM is agreed upon, fighting may only occur during this period. Anything outside this time is considered a quiet period, during which the parties involved may not attack or provoke each other.
3.3 The demands may not exceed a value of $5,000,000.
Note: The demand should be limited to material goods or money.
Note: Humiliating actions are not valid demands.
3.4 The war contract may only be amended with the consent of both parties.
Note: The changes must also be approved by the Senior Curator Crime.
3.5 Once the war contract is decided, the war begins the following day at 6:00 PM.
Note: By the start, a uniform war outfit must be created and submitted by both parties.

Special Rules in War:
4.1 The established war outfit must be worn by all members participating in the war.
Note: The war outfit must be approved by the Senior Curator Crime and posted final in the Discord channel ("outfit").
Note: During the time between 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM, all members must wear the war outfit. One must completely discard the color of their organization to avoid being involved in the war.
4.2 Both parties involved in the war have the right to declare a ceasefire after the first battle.
4.3 All wars must be ended through negotiation after the end date has been reached.
Note: Negotiations must be documented and approved by the Senior Curator Crime.
4.4 If one organization refuses to end the war, the other organization may inform the Senior Curator Crime and they will intervene.
Note: A violation of the war contract may lead to a punishment.

Restrictions on Members:
5.1 Each organization must publicly communicate that they are part of the war.
Note: The messages can be posted in the "crime-report" Discord channel.
5.2 Organizations involved in a war are not allowed to negotiate with each other.
5.3 Members of the organizations may not assist each other during a battle or in a planned attack against the opposing party.
5.4 Members may only defend themselves against attacks from the opposing organization. | Warning for the Leader
5.5 Members may not leave their own organization for the duration of the war.
5.6 Members must maintain silence until the war has ended. Members must not be contacted for any reason - no alliance may be formed, and no negotiations may be made.
5.7 All steps must be documented, and any deviations must be reported to the administration. | Warning for the Leader

General Restrictions:
6.1 Organizations involved in a war may not participate in any other diplomatic negotiations.
6.2 During the entire war, the administration may intervene if a party has violated the regulations.
Note: This may lead to a warning or, in severe cases, to the suspension of the organization from the server.
6.3 If a party does not adhere to the agreements set in the war contract, they must be warned accordingly.
6.4 All rules mentioned in this document must be adhered to in the interests of fairness and roleplay.
6.5 Violations of the above rules will be penalized according to the administration's discretion.
Note: Sanctions can range from warnings to permanent bans from the server.
6.6 Any evidence of violations must be documented and reported to the administration for further action.
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