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INFORMATION Conducting interrogations (LSPD, FIB & USSS)

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Curator of the project
Curator of the project
Dec 19, 2023

Conducting interrogations (LSPD, FIB & USSS)
The Interrogation - a measure carried out during the preliminary investigation phase to clarify information related to a specific case. The interrogation is conducted either with witnesses or with the suspect themselves. During the interrogation, the respondent is asked specific questions to direct the investigation towards the necessary facts.

Procedure for the Interrogation of the Suspect:
1. Search the respondent and confiscate all prohibited items for safety (if this has not yet been done).
2. Check the documents of the respondent.
3. Lead the respondent to the interrogation room.
4. Ensure that a recording is made in the interrogation room.

Procedure for the Interrogation of a Member of a State Organization:
1. To summon a member of a state organization for interrogation, the FIB employee must inform the respective organization and officer: "Organization, Name | Last Name, report to the FIB office within XX minutes."
Note: If the summoned employee declines the department's request, they may receive IC penalties.
2. Upon arrival, the agent must lead the person into the office.
3. During the interrogation, a representative of the higher staff of the summoned employee must be present.
4. Search the respondent and confiscate all prohibited items for safety (if this has not yet been done).
5. Check the documents of the respondent.
6. Lead the respondent to the interrogation room.
7. Ensure that a recording is made in the interrogation room.
Note: Summoning a member of a state organization for interrogation can only be done by a FIB employee from the relevant department and higher staff.
Note: To summon a member of a state organization for interrogation, agents must provide significant IC reasons and evidence (suspicion related to criminal organizations or similar).

Rules for Interrogating the Suspect:
Only LSPD detectives, FIB agents, and USSS agents are allowed to conduct interrogations.
Exception: Approval from a detective.
Note: USSS agents may only conduct interrogations related to economic crimes and crimes involving high-profile individuals against the fundamental principles of constitutional order and state security, against authority, and against justice. For other offenses, USSS agents are not allowed to intervene.
1.2 During the interrogation, the respondent must remain restrained and comply with the applicable regulations.
1.3 The detective or agent has the right to ask any questions they deem necessary.
1.4 The duration of the interrogation or conversation may not exceed 30 minutes. | 60 minutes jail
1.5 Asking questions in /do is prohibited.
1.6 The detective or agent has the right to take the arrested person from an LSPD, FIB, or USSS employee for interrogation if deemed necessary.
Note: If the employee who arrested the person is no longer present, the detective or agent must continue the process themselves (including arrest and incarceration in jail).
1.7 During the interrogation, it is prohibited to threaten, shoot, beat, mutilate, or kill the respondent.
1.8 The employee conducting the interrogation is required to document the entire interrogation session on video.

Rules for the Suspect:
If a player becomes a suspect during an interrogation, they are required to correctly implement the server rules and follow the employees' requests.
Note: If the role is not implemented appropriately, it will be considered a rule violation. | Warning
2.2 If the employees violate the rules of the interrogation, the player has the right to withdraw from the role-play without penalty.
Note: Only with the administration's consent.
2.3 The respondent's answers must be clearly and distinctly formulated.
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