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Curator of the project
Curator of the project
Dec 19, 2023

Raid Rules
The Raid - an operation conducted by the FIB to arrest members of criminal groups and confiscate illegal items and materials. The main objective of the raid is to take control of an area, search individuals and vehicles within that area, eliminate illegal items on the premises, and arrest certain individuals.
Note: If no illegal items are found on the suspects, they must be released. Employees of the FIB, LSPD, and the Army participate in the raid.

Reasons for Conducting a Raid:

  • []Frequent violations of state laws by members of criminal organizations.
    []Carrying out terrorist acts.
    []Kidnapping of employees from state or civilian organizations.
Essential Components of the Corresponding Act:

  • []Massive violations of the penal code in at least 3 instances.
    []Evidence that this entity (organization) is a criminal group or syndicate. Clarification: Video evidence is required, showing a group of individuals violating the penal code and then returning to their base, or evidence that these violations were committed using a vehicle belonging to a specific organization.
    []Proof that the vehicles used in the legal violations belong to this organization.
  • Activity of the organization in the ghetto or on the highway (kidnappings, murders, illegal arms trafficking, break-ins, vans with bodies and weapons).
General Rules of the Raid:
A raid may only be conducted after obtaining a search warrant. | Warning for the Leader
1.2 During a raid, it is permitted to search all individuals in the area.
1.3 At least 20 personnel from state organizations must participate in a raid. | Warning for the Leader
At least 5 members of the FIB must participate in the raid.
1.4 The use of any OOC information in the IC process [Metagaming] is prohibited. | 120 minutes Jail
1.5 After completing the raid, the organization receives immunity from further raids for 5 days.
Note: In the event of a defeat, the criminal organization loses 30% of the resources in their storage.
Exception: If the criminal organization opens fire, state organizations have the right to immediately begin clearing the area.
1.6 It is permitted to search all vehicles within the area. However, the search will only take place if the raid is successfully won.
Note: The minimum duration of the raid must be adhered to; if no opponents are visible afterward, the raid can be considered finished.
Note: Only weapons, drugs, and ammunition can be confiscated from the trunks of vehicles (it is mandatory to present the evidence in video format upon request). | Warning
1.7 Participants in a Bizwar or Turf are protected from a raid.
Explanation: A participant is protected 10 minutes before and during the Bizwar or Turf and is considered an OOC person.
1.8 The use of any weapons except sniper rifles and submachine guns is permitted. | 120 minutes Jail
Rules for State Organizations:
The minimum duration of a raid is 20 minutes. | No resource deduction on the criminal side
2.2 The use of Code-0 is prohibited during a raid. | 120 minutes Jail
2.3 The leader of the FIB must inform the advisor of their organization in advance about the exact time of the raid.
2.4 Only organizational vehicles are permitted for use. | 120 minutes Jail
2.5 At least 2 state organizations must participate in the raid. | Verbal Warning for the Leader
2.6 A complete video recording from at least 2 participants of each organization is required during a raid. | Warning for the Leader
2.7 At least one "Insurgent" type vehicle must be used during the raid. | Verbal Warning for the Leader
2.8 Opening fire without prior warning or significant IC reason is prohibited. | Warning for the Leader
2.9 Conducting raids during gang and mafia meetings is prohibited. | Verbal Warning for the Leader
2.10 Employees of "Weazel News" are allowed to be present during a raid to report.
2.11 Raids occur from 5 PM to 10 PM.
Clarification: State organizations must begin the raid by 10 PM at the latest.
2.12 The raid must be approved solely by the Attorney General (and their deputy), Justice Minister, Governor, or Deputy Governor.
Note: The approved request must be posted in the forum under the government section within the first 5 minutes.
2.13 It is prohibited to keep items found during a search or confiscation for personal use. | Permanent ban for warehousing (see General Rule 6.3)
Rules for Criminal Organizations:
The criminal organization must defend its territory. It does not matter how many individuals are online at that time. | Warning for the Leader
3.2 Members of the gang/mafia are required to assist an allied gang/mafia.
3.3 It is permitted to fight against state organizations during the raid, but the rules must be followed.
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