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INFORMATION Rules for the leader of an organization

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Curator of the project
Curator of the project
Dec 19, 2023

Rules for the leader of an organization
General Rules:
1.1 Leaders must have held their position for at least 30 days; otherwise, they will be banned. | 3-day ban
If the leader must leave their position for personal reasons, they will be removed without a ban, and their position will be transferred to a trusted deputy or a new leader will be sought.
1.2 It is prohibited to use the organization’s storage for personal purposes. | Permanent ban for warehousing
1.3 When changing the leader, they can request a setup protection that is valid for up to 24 hours.
1.4 A criminal organization may have a total of 4 deputies.
1.5 Government organizations, on the other hand, may have a total of only 3 deputies.
1.6 The leader or deputy leader of the organization has the right to dismiss a member without a valid IC reason if they have the advisor's consent.
Note: There must be a breach of trust that can be clearly demonstrated to the advisor.
1.7 Each organization has a fixed "term" of the leader lasting 3 months; after this, a further term can be started with the administration's consent.
Note: In the government, an election campaign will be announced after this 3-month period, during which a new leader will be determined.
1.8 Participation in other RP projects for GTA V and SAMP is not allowed if you are the leader or deputy leader of an organization.
Note: Participation refers only to holding a leader position or an admin position in another project. Simple Discord participation or occasional play in another project does not count. The focus should still be on Cloud Roleplay.
1.9 Every leader or deputy leader of an organization must use a consistent name in the official Discord and in any Discords associated with Cloud Roleplay.
Template: Organization | Full Name
Example: Ballas | Uwe Mendoza
1.10 Only the leader or deputy leader of an organization may post a registration in the Discord for the Army convoy and Fort Zancudo raid.
Note: The responsible persons for turf or bizwar may only post registrations within their respective areas.
1.11 Within a week, a bonus payment of a total of $750,000 per member may be distributed.
Note: These payments must be documented in the respective organization's Discord, listing the member and the amount.
Note: Members must demonstrably have done something for the organization to qualify for the bonus payment.
Example: Arrests or presence in duty with State | Attendance or kill participation at events
1.12 In case of violations of the rules during specific events, the administration reserves the right to seize the captured materials.
Note: Events include "Supply Rules for the EMS", "Fort Zancudo Raid", "War for the Hammer", "Airdrop" & "Resource Battle".

2.1 The entire rule set must be internalized to ensure smooth operations for all players on the server (the leader and deputy leaders lead by example).
2.2 A leader should be online on the server for at least 2 hours a day.
2.3 No provocations and conflicts with other members or organizations should arise.
2.4 The Senior Curator and advisor of the organization always have the final word; their requirements must always be followed and cannot be circumvented.
2.5 Each leader is responsible for ensuring that their organization contributes to elevating the "roleplay" to the maximum level. They are also responsible for any rule violations by their members and will be sanctioned accordingly.
2.6 The legislative assembly (Cabinet) is composed of the leaders and vice-leaders of government organizations. Each government organization has a vote as determined by the leader.

After the leader's term in the State area ends, they may receive a special item at the discretion of the Senior Curator State, depending on the success of their term and the respective point score.
3.2 After the leader's term in the Crime area ends, they may receive a financial reward at the discretion of the Senior Curator Crime, depending on the success of their term and the respective point score.
Rules on the Points System:
4.1 The performance and behavior of the organization are evaluated through points.
4.2 These points range from -100 to 100, which can be collected as an organization.
Note: Any newly appointed organization starts with 0 points.
4.2.1 If an organization violates an applicable server rule, they will be sanctioned with verbal or fixed warnings. A warning corresponds to a fixed number of points that will be deducted from the leader of the organization.
4.2.2 Certain bonus points may also be awarded through events or other activities.
Note: This includes special activities or situations that can be evaluated by the respective Senior Curator with a point addition or deduction.
4.2.3 If a leader fails to fulfill their duties and obligations, points may also be deducted.
4.2.4 A "precedent case" may also arise. In this case, the Senior Curator must decide and establish the respective decision for future handling.
4.3 In the evaluation of forum complaints or situations concerning the organizations, both Senior Curators (State/Crime) will be involved.

Meaning of Points:
5.1 An organization will be closed if a leader reaches a score of -100 points.
5.2 The next term of a leader can only be commenced if the Senior Curator decides for another term.
Note: The Senior Curator may also refer to the points earned until that point but may also refer to the general conduct of the organization.
5.3 An organization can only be passed on to another player if the point score is in the positive range and the approval of the respective Senior Curator is obtained. Additionally, a conversation must be held with the advisors and the potential new leader.
Note: This regulation does not apply to the government; only the election result counts there.

Established Rules for Organizations:
No information may be passed on to criminal organizations. | -20 points
This includes any information regarding transports, raids, or other planned actions by the state side.
6.2 Points can be awarded for a conducted event in the range of 5 - 15 points.
Note: The decision lies with the Senior Curator and cannot be contested.
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