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Rejected Application for LSPD Leadership

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Feb 27, 2024
1. Personal Information
In-Game Name:Jannik White
Discord Username:zo_ru1
Time Zone:German
Daily playtime:Deutschland (GMT+1)
UUID (#permid)766

2. General Information
Why I want to be the leader of Los Santos Police Department
Hi, my name is Jannik White. I want to be a leader of LSPD because I have much experience in this organization. Last term I was chief of staff, and in this term I got much experience that qualifies me to be the leader of LSPD.

1. The first reason is because I want to make the city safe, and clean from criminals. I will try my best with the SWAT department to make the city clean from cannabis,criminals and illegal weapons. Every citizen is gonna live safe and not be scared from any criminal. I will make the prison full of criminals with my family (LSPD).

2. And the last reason is that I have a plan for towing, because I have seen that in the last few terms it was a problem with towing. So I have a good plan for it. I am going to make the city clean from cars that break the law. I will work at a towing team that towie 24/7 in the city to make the city clean. I will work on a very good bonus for it.

3. Leadership & Roleplay
  • Previous leadership experience: I was Vize Leader on Grand Rolplay and many other Server in the Leadership now i want to try it on Cloud Roleplay
  • Your leadership style: I am a "hard" person i am not letting anyone so easy in the High Command you have to work for this not just say ohh give me high command. And i will try my best do get discipline in the LSPD.
  • Your roleplay style: I am trying to make realistic rp like Hardcore.

4. Vision for the Server
  • How will you engage the community?: I will make many Global Event, I have an own Department who talking to the People whos trying to help everybody. And i will try that my Officer not only Shoot there are not here too Shoot inncocent people they are there to protect.
  • Ideas for new activities within the organization: Every week 1 Global Event.

5. Additional Information
  • Why should we choose you and not others? Because i know what i am doing and most of the people not.
  • Additional comments:
    Rank System:

    22.Chief of Police
    21.Assistant Chief
    20.Deputy Chief
    19.Police Commander
    18.Internal Affairs
    17. Head of Instructor
    16. Head of S.W.A.T
    15. Head of PR
    14.Police Attorney at Law
    13.Police Captain
    12.Air Support Division Leader
    11. S.W.A.T Division
    10.Instructor Division
    9. PR Managment
    8.Police Detectiv
    7.Police Lieutenant
    6.Police Sergeant
    5.Police Officer II
    4.Police Officer I
    2.City traffic officer

HR = Instructor
PR = Public Relations
S.W.A.T = Special Weapons and Tactics
Air Division
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