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Rejected Wrong Decision | Lester Cloud

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Nov 4, 2024
Hey, I am Rocky, I had applied to be an administrator here in cloud RP and also I had applied to be an administrator in another RP project so lester told me to contact him in his DMs, when I did so he told that I had applied in another RP project so I told him I will close the application over there but he did not accept that when I closed it and said that you are decieving admins, I thought that if I would get selected as an admin here in cloud I would close the application in that RP project and I didnt know that this was not allowed, but Lester rejected it and after somedays admin blacklisted me, I request to remove me from the admin blacklist but it is fine if that perticular application is rejected since I will apply again if I get removed from the admin blacklist.
My point of view just for a better clarification -

After reviewing his application one thing was clear that he stated he could easily get a decent position in another rp project, but still he preferred cloud which is ok like having this kind of self satisfactory mindset, so when he contacted me via dms I asked for an explanation because someone shared with me his active admin application that was under consideration in another project, so i asked him for a clarification and he said I'll request to close it if I get selected here and from that point i was clear about his intentions, but i still gave him a chance and asked why you applied there and after a few hours later you changed your mind and submitted another application here too and he again gaved the same response that I will close it I know cloud is far better ill inform the reviewing admin to close my application if you want.

I even asked him why you're having deputy roles in that project so he said I leave it at last and another thing if he was serious about cloud why he didn't close his application from that project why he was waiting for me to consider it and personally tell him ask him for a clarification which also shows you're desperate about joining the team for an reason.

About your past you have applied for leadership multiple times but whenever it comes to contact the respective admin via there dms you never did that and instead of contacting the administration you decided to play other rp projects and chose a deputy rank over there and once you get bored after a few weeks you applied again as an admin.

So, I just want to say like i don't know about other projects and how there administration works maybe they can consider people's on basis of their interests but from our side if you're not loyal towards us then I'm sorry' my friend EN | Administration is not for you.

At last, if you have any questions please contact me at any time through my DMs and for the time being it is up to higher administration and thank you for submitting a complaint, have a wonderful day.
Hi Rocky
The admin's decision was correct. I can’t accept people who show even slight interest in other projects or to put it another way, those who apply everywhere and just wait to be accepted somewhere. The blacklist still stands.​
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