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Accepted Leader application of an Organisation | LSPD

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Feb 15, 2025
1. Personal Information
In-Game Name:Polly_Smart
Discord Username:batu7544

Time Zone:EST
Daily playtime:7+
UUID (#permid)624

2. General Information
  • Why do you want to be a leader of specific organization? My Goal as been to be a leader of a organization to bild tust in here and show that i can fit with leaders and show you all i can mabe go for a 2 term and show off my skill and make good leader ship skills

3. Leadership & Roleplay
  • Previous leadership experience: Cistal rp
  • Your leadership style: nice smoth no biff
  • Your roleplay style: passif rp more like but i can do non passif and good rp

4. Vision for the Server
  • How will you engage the community? Events also talk with other orgs and meetings and arrest with the players
  • Ideas for new activities within the organization: weekly meetings with the deputys and cops and talk what need to be fix LSPD Show down whare is a open requnment when showing the lspd off

5. Additional Information
  • Why should we choose you and not others? im skilld and bring stuff to the table and im a chill guy with the cops makeing arest and fun well hosting events
  • Additional comments: none.

    22 . Chief of Police
    21. Deputy Chief
    20. Deputy Assistant Chief
    19 . Commander * this is the commander / over seer of a department*
    18. Head of department
    17. Deputy Head of department
    16. Lieutenant
    15. Captain
    14. Sergeant
    13. Instructor
    12. SWAT
    11 . Master Detective
    10. Detective 2
    9 . Detective 1
    8 . Parking Enforcement
    7. Elite Officer 3
    6. Elite officer 2
    5. Elite officer 1
    4. Master Officer
    3. Officer 2
    2 . Officer 1
    1. Rookie
    LSPD Departments

    1. Swat
    2. Parking Enforcement
    3. PR
    4. Detective
    5. IA
    6. HR

Got the leadership of Los Santos Police Department ( LSPD ) 🚨👮‍♂️
Best of Luck for your term !!​
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